hwalker 2020/08/02 01:13
On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 09:47 PM, <jmssix@yahoo.com> wrote:
I tried to connect to the NanoVNA V2 via USB and send commands to it.
For Vi, there seems to be commands available:
How to set up the NanoVNA V2 so I can send USB commands to it?
The V2 uses a different serial protocol than the NanoVNA so console commands are not applicable to it. The V2 also only supports sending raw uncalibrated data over the USB interface so you would need to perform perform your own external solt calibration to correct the data - not a trivial procedure.
You've probably noticed that whenever NanoVNA-QT or NanoVNASaver talk to the V2 its screen goes blank with a 'USB MODE' message. The same will happen when you talk to the V2, so you will not have any visual feedback while sending commands.
Unless you know C or C++, studying Holger's NanoVNASaver branch is the best way to learn what can be done with the V2. If you really need to use console commands and don't need to measure above 1GHz, then the NanoVNA-H, NanoVNA-H4 or NanoVNA-F are your choices.
- Herb