Anne Ranch 2023/07/23 12:22
Hello Jim,
I appreciate your reply, but , I am nowhere near to take a look at the
issues of retrieving these files.
I did manage to add another "group box" to the main nanoVNASaver
window and decided it would be easier to have QtDesigner to do the
dirty work instead of me muddling through the code. Now I cannot get
the PyCharrn ( IDE) and QtDesigner to play together and nobody wants
to touch it because it is python /PyCharm/ QtDesigner combination.
On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 12:00 PM Jim Lux <> wrote:
> On 7/22/23 8:43 PM, Anne Ranch wrote:
> > I am in process of learning and "reverse engineering" of nanoVNASaver.
> > It is a slow going, mainly due to lack of
> > "this piece of code does this " description.
> > I have not looked into how "sweep results" are saved , but "their"
> > terminology
> > calls for receiving "touchstone" files from nanoVNA hardware.
> As far as I know, the NanoVNA doesn't send .s1p files. You send the
> DATA command, and the NanoVNA returns a list of real and imaginary
> numbers. The FREQ command returns the frequencies. And since
> NanoVNA-Saver also works with the NanoVNA2, which uses a different
> communication protocol, that's all buried in stuff in the Hardware
> subdirectory, where there's a .py module
> In the NanoVNA-saver that's stored in some sort of data structure -
> which accommodates the fact that you might have multiple sweeps from the
> NanoVNA to make a longer sweep (in terms of number of points)
> It only gets turned into a .sNp file when written (or read) (module
> > I am not sure if these files are easy to convert to "plain text" so other
> > software application , such as Excel, can use them.
> Standard .snp files are pretty easy to process in excel. But you have to
> allow for some things - Excel doesn't know about comment lines, nor does
> it natively understand that .snp files can have different numbers of
> columns, as well as the complex numbers being polar or cartesian form.
> Some samples below:
> !Created with skrf (
> # MHz S RI R 50.0
> !freq ReS11 ImS11
> 0.05 1.003932833 -0.000515787
> 1.0495 1.004017233 -0.000562437
> !Created with skrf (
> # MHz S RI R 50.0
> !freq ReS11 ImS11
> 1.0 1.34e-05 1.6248e-05
> 5.495 1.368e-06 -2.966e-06
> 9.99 -8.74e-06 -9.398e-06
> !Keysight Technologies N9918A: A.09.60
> !Date: Tuesday, 12 September 2017 06:29:33
> !TimeZone: (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore!Model: N9918A
> !Serial: MY56072895
> !GPS Latitude:
> !GPS Longitude:
> !GPS TimeStamp: 0001-01-01 00:00:00Z
> !GPS Seconds Since Last Read: 0
> !CHECKSUM:0735875951
> !Correction: S11(Rdy)
> !S1P File: Measurement: S11:
> # Hz S DB R 50
> 2000000000 -7.69906349253626 -127.007747322
> 2002000000 -7.58262480958366 -160.082175612232
> 2004000000 -7.58442628711511 167.240544358852
> 2
> > It would probably be easy to "store them " in nanoVNASaver application
> > and be able to retrieve them later.
> >