darius 2024/07/04 01:34

I was wondering if there is a newer version of the NanaVNA QT program?
It has several bugs/limitations which would be nice to fix.
- The S parameter export menu is greyed out until you load a cal, it would be nice if it would use the one the device is currently using.
- The left hand Y axis limits can't be configured (also related: if you use a different number of divisions besides 11 the graph gets very confusing because it has 2 sets of division lines)
- Being able to click on a Y axis to adjust the limits would be a good QoL change.
- Similarly, being able to click on the X axis to adjust the stimulus settings.
- On macOS at least, if you use the mock device and focus is on the sub window it opens to control the faked load, the menu bar does nothing.

I have also had it perform extremely slowly (clicks take seconds to have an effect) when playing with the mock device but haven't been able to work out a way to reproduce it.
