I'm trying to learn to use the NanoVNA (SAA2N) that I have and working on measuring some CMCs (thanks to Dave E for his helpful info) but there is one thing that keeps stumping me.
I have 3 Traces Active; 0, 1 and 2, along with 2 markers that I'm using on the display of the VNA.
Scale & Values for all 3 traces show up at the top in the appropriate color for each trace.
When I touch on one of the markers to move it, the Marker to a different frequency, the Values show up for the markers. OK fine...
However, I can't figure out how to get BACK to the original Scale & Value for all 3 traces.
So far, the only way I can get back is to save the Config, reboot and Restore the configuration. Then the 3 Scales & Value will show up again.
There's got to be an easier way, but I just can't find it.
Mike, W0IH