I am trying to measure the gain of the Infineon BGA524N6BOARDTOBO1 Evaluation Board ( https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEPZdgUmVl3YfPSnZSiFNpjUn-GHATXYp9fg&usqp=CAU ) to test the BGA524N6 LNA by NanoVNA 2.2 (SAA2) with firmware nanovna-v2-20201013-v2_2_8.bin
With the default settings I didn't get expected gain 19.7 dB at 1575 MHz, I got 5.8 dB only at Vcc = 3.3V/2.6mA, When I changed the NanoVNA settings "ADF4350 TX POWER" from default "3" to "0" I got the expected gain 19.08db at 1.275 GHz.
I don't fully understand what the TX POWER means and what is the TX Power in dBm send by NanoVNA to LNA.
I would like to get bigger chart that's why I use NanoVNA Saver v0.3.9 but S21 Gain (db) shows clipped jagged chart with max. gain 8.946 dB. Is there any setting in NanoVNA Saver similar to "ADF4350 TX POWER" on the NanoVNA to get the same result (19.08 dB)?