DaveWJ 2022/12/12 12:16
Good Day,
I'm not anywhere close to an expert at this, but I believe the adjustable IFBW requires an additional hardware filter in the signal path.
One possible option for you, the ($300) SYSJOINT SV4401A (I have this unit). It allows adjustable IFBW down to 30Hz & 50kHz-4.4Ghz coverage. Here is a screenshot:
Using modes below 1kHz is incredibly slow. At full range, 30Hz IFBW, 1001pts, measurement takes around 2 minutes.
I also can't speak to the accuracy at small IFBW, I have no DUTs to really push it. If you have a suggestion for a test I can do, I'm open to it.
This model has a larger capacitative touchscreen, N connectors, is heavier, and less portable than the regular nanoVNAs, but it might be OK for your use. It's about the size of a 9" tablet, 1.25" thick and about 2 lbs.
People around here have had hit & miss with SYSJOINT products. Personally, I've hit software bugs, but the hardware has been OK. Caveat Emptor though.