I have a step attenuator that I built years ago (30?) and with the NanoVNA, I was finally able to test it.
Shorted, the loss is about .2 DB @ 30 MHz.
The 10, 20 and 30 DB step attenuators are surprisingly close (according to my NanoVNA SAA2N). I'm testing between 1 MHz and 30 MHz.
I have the scale set at 10 DB/Division. (Wow, is this VNA handy!!)
However, the 60 DB attenuator starts at about -56 DB at 1 MHz and at 30 MHz, it shows -32 DB. I'm guessing that some of the resistors in the attenuator that I built may be inductive. Seems to make sense.
Trouble is, how do I test to see if the resistors are inductive. I've googled it, but I can't seem to find a way to test the resistors for inductance.
Mike, W0IH