How to run nanoVNASaver in debug mode using QT?
Please accept my apology for off the “nanoVNA’ subject post.
This is YALS - yet another long shot post , but there may be sombody here who “been there , done that”…
(Only) in that case , please share your knowledge – otherwise PLEASE
do not waste your time sharing other opinions of yours - PLEASE
I am C/C++ user of QT and I am somewhat familiar with Python.
I can “clone “ nanoVNASaver.py but QT won’t run it "as is" since it is NOT .pro file.
I did post similar question in QT forum and so far received NO response.
So I am posting it here, hoping somebody knows how to “convert .py to .pro file”.
My guess is - I may have to learn how to use “
“make”… but I am not sure.
Thanks for reading.