I have Fairrites 61 core, Its resistance starts to rise at about 10MHz., Inductance is good. Am I right in that it doesn't matter if there is resistance in impedance, as long as total impedance is high. I think the maximum frequency does not depend on core material.
Is there a core for higher frequency. There is a core 67 in Digikey (5967001201-ND). Is it any good. Or what is a good core material for VHF.
Balun in antenna feed point. Someone had made a balun coil from a couple turns of coaxial cable. Either the impedance of the coils is low, or their resonant frequency is on the way (too low). How to make a +j300 ohm air core coil from coaxial cable for for instance 144MHz.
Has anyone really looked at how a 1:4 balun is made from two 1:1 baluns. Inputs are in parallel. So, a common T-piece coaxial connector would work and look well. But in the output, two cables are in series, is there a neat way to connect two coaxial cables in series. And output is also balanced.