Roger Henderson 2021/10/04 19:07
The last couple of messages in the below thread are also worth a read.
There is an article from the HP VNA guru Joel Dunsmore, and a newer article
from Brian (virtualparticles) who is an RF guru from Copper Mountain.
On Mon, 4 Oct 2021 at 18:36, OK1VAW <> wrote:
> Hello,
> It is not a pure Wheaston Bridge, but loaded resistive bridge. The main
> difference is, that the diagonal (where you put the Galvanometer with high
> impedance) is loaded with a 50 ohm too. In most cases of reflectometric
> bridges there is a balun to get the diagonal output asymetrical with one
> pin grounded. If you do the math (and do not forget to use the 50 ohm
> generator - voltage source in series with 50 ohm resistor), you should get
> the power getting from diagonal in proportion to reflection coefficient.
> Here is detailed description from the Rohde&Schwarz ZRB2 bridge manual.
> Dne 03.10.2021 v 18:31 napsal(a):
> I have some difficulties on understanding the design of the coupler in the
> NanoVNA v2. From what I understand is that this is a wheatstone bridge but
> I have some problems understanding the initial design process for that and
> where all the additional resistors are coming from. What was the initial
> design process to come up with 10dB transmission.