Hello all,
I have tried to read the instructions posted at:
but did not understand as the unit are different between them.
First my unit does not have any description on it, so cannot understand
which is the CH0 and which is the CH1.
Also which is S21 and which is S11.
Second the connectors on the VNA on the web are on the left of the Unit
while my on es are on the bottom of the unit.
I want to measure if my antenna has high or low SWR so I have tried with the
VNA_qt program.
All the calibrations and the measurement I 've made on the left connector.
This is what I have done: As first operations I have clicked on Clear and
Clear Measurements.
I have set as Calibration type: "SOLT ( 1 port )" and hope is the correct
one as on the page linked it does not talk about it or I could not find it.
I have set the Frequency range from the Device/Sweep parameters. menu and
have set the start Frequency and stop Frequency
Made the calibration with the three connectors clicking on the corresponding
tab in the program when screwed up the correct ones.
Clicked at the end of the calibration on Calibration/Save as and saved the
Finally I have attached the antenna to the left connector and here is the
Please how is my SWR? Where to see it please?
73's de Enzo IK8OZV
EasyLog 5 BetaTester
EasyLog PDA BetaTester
WinBollet BetaTester
D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania
Skype: ik8ozv8520
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