Is it expected any firmware update for Nanovna v2 plus4?
As of 2023 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Is it expected any firmware update for Nanovna v2 plus4?
Hi, you can download the official firmware updates here: https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-versions.html
The next firmware release for the V2 Plus4/Plus4 Pro series will come in a month, with a few bug fixes and usability improvements.
Hello Support,
this is a great news.
Is possible to know in advance some changelog news ?
Thank you very much!!
or in the meantime use a fw from dislord ;-)
dg9bfc sigi
Am 21.08.2023 um 07:32 schrieb nanov2support:
Hello Sigi,
can you provide a link to read more about this alternative FW ?
I try to search in the web but I reach only old repository with 2-3 years old versions.
Changelogs differnce and fix ?
73 de IW6BFE
Thank you sigi.
To your question IW6BFE
As I have researched there is a group with updated firmwares into https://groups.io/g/nanovna-beta-test.
You have tu ask for the subscription and then go to Topics.
Hello Arrio!
Here is a link to last firmware from DiSlord on nanovns-beta-test:
Vladimir, dl7pga
On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 08:32 AM, nanov2support wrote:
> The next firmware release for the V2 Plus4/Plus4 Pro series will come in a
> month, with a few bug fixes and usability improvements.
> Thanks
You are going tell about it here in the forum too, aren't you?
I ask more info about that but seems that @nanovnasupport do not reply to customer questions.
nanov2support ( https://groups.io/g/NanoVNAV2/topic/firmware_update_for_v2_plus4/100867965?p=,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate/sticky,,,20,2,0,100867965,previd%3D9223372036854775807,nextid%3D1689525132445455288&previd=9223372036854775807&nextid=1689525132445455288 )
Hello All,
all of us expect to get new firmware in next 9-10 days this is the month after that nanov2support announce it.
I hope to receive with new formware also a changelog ...
What I really do not understand is :
In the official github repositori lastes available version is 20201013 https://github.com/nanovna-v2/NanoVNA2-firmware/releases
In the official webpage lastest available version id 20220814 https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-versions.html
Would be great to have only one reference with a readme file with listed all version with changelog and improvements
This is only a my problem or some other user would like this ?
Yes, many of us are really looking forward to the new firmware.
But please don't put pressure on the developers, because then it will never be finished.
I think you don't understand my question.
Changelog is not a pressure.
You will load a new firmware whit non known changes ?
I purchased my nanoVNA V2 Plus4 in July 2022. It came with firmware version 20220301. In January 2023 I was interested in finding out if a firmware update was available. On the nanlRFE website, in the Hardware Versions/Firmware Downloads section, firmware version 20211227 is listed as stable and version 20220814 is listed as latest. Version 20220301 is not listed. I wanted to get a copy of version 20220301 before loading any version of firmware so I could get back to what I currently have in case of issues. Since I purchased my unit on Tindie I contacted them about obtaining a copy of version 20220301 and asked about the stability of version 20220814. Following is their answer.
" Hi, the 20220301 version can be found at:
*https://nanorfe.com/downloads/20220301/nanovna-v2-20220301-v2plus45.bin* ( https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30145078/nanorfe.com?p=eyJzIjoiSE50OWRZS0pGNmdQekFyeWFFWUU5emZiZWkwIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDE0NTA3OCxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL25hbm9yZmUuY29tXFxcL2Rvd25sb2Fkc1xcXC8yMDIyMDMwMVxcXC9uYW5vdm5hLXYyLTIwMjIwMzAxLXYycGx1czQ1LmJpblwiLFwiaWRcIjpcImQyYTBlZmVlYTU0YjQ4ZjBiNDkxYTUwYWFhNjcxY2M0XCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiODU2MTRlOWE2MTViOWYyNzZlNTk1NWUzMmQxMTRiZDJkZGJlZmRlN1wiXX0ifQ )
20220814 has been tested for some time now and is considered stable. We may release another firmware update next month to add a few features requested by users.
As you can see they indicated a firmware update might be available in February 2023 but I haven't seen one yet. It will be interesting to see if one shows up in October 2023.
Any news ?
Hello any News ?
Hi, we will release an update soon, it is being beta tested to ensure all bugs are found and fixed. The customer feedback has been that stability should be prioritized, so we want to ensure that firmware releases are well tested, and only features that customers ask for are included.
the release date will be ?
On 09/10/2023 12:43, IW6BFE wrote:
> Hello,
> the release date will be ?
You know what it's like when someone keeps asking you again and again when a
job will be finished?
You are tempted to put that job to the bottom of the pile, aren't you?
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read 10 times write once ... and when you're shure please
The new firmware or any firmware is not going to change much, because current unit with current firmware is working well enough.
You were right as usual.
Silence led to the result.
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