Dear Joe,
first of all let me thank you for the great work and time you put into
the software. Since a while i use it regularly to measure various kinds of stuff - including using the 2-port feature without issues.
But there is one thing i am missing – as Guido stated below it will be nice to have the possibility to set the Y-scale manually - especially in the window for „Xmsn rectangular“
In example if i want to set upper max to 0 and lower value to -40 giving 5/div it would be nice if this setting will be kept when sweeping anew without automatic scaling.
I checked some step attenuators a couple of days ago – and without auto scaling y-axis it will be more easyer to quickly verify correct switching/attenuation on a wide variety of settings.
Would be an other great improvement in my opinion
Marcus - DG8ABG -
Von: NanoVNAV2@groups.io <NanoVNAV2@groups.io> Im Auftrag von Guido ON7CH via groups.io
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. November 2021 17:31
An: NanoVNAV2@groups.io
Betreff: EXT:Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
Hi Joe,
My preferences:
- keep it as it is and use the INI file.
- Keep the ability to save and load s1p files.
Would it be possible for the rectangular graph to set the Y-scale manually (min & max)?
Guido on7ch
On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 12:16 PM Joe Smith via groups.io<http://groups.io> <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io<mailto:yahoo.com@groups.io>> wrote:
I was asked about the regional settings when using Touchstone files.
Before I make any changes, I would be interested in hearing from those of you living in these areas if you want the Touchstone to reflect your regional settings, always use the decimal, or keep it as is and use the INI file? It's quick change for me, so no big deal but let's make sure that it's the right solution.
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