John Gord 2021/12/21 22:36
Assuming you have calibrated your NanoVNA (short, open, load, and through), It probably means you only have about 30 dB of isolation in your setup. Beware that you need to be very careful in setting up the test of a duplexer. Poor cables and connectors can easily ruin otherwise good isolation.
The NanoVNA can't directly provide a measurement to -90dB, but it should be able to at show the response down to -60dB or better.
Do a search on "NanoVNA duplexer" to get some ideas on how to do your setup.
--John Gord
On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 07:57 PM, <> wrote:
> Hello. I have used my nano VNA on mobile duplexers and it works great. I
> bought an external duplexer that isolates up to 90 DB. I see that the
> specs only show the nano VNA going to 60 to 70 negative Db gain. When I
> hook the external duplexer up I can only get it down to just above -30 DB.
> Is that adding the -60 max +30? so does that mean I have 90 DB of
> isolation? How does that work? Thank you