David Eckhardt 2021/01/21 17:55
In specifying a CMC choke, I have considered the CM impedance the choke
presents in my specific system. In considering that for my application, I
measured the complex impedance my antenna/feedline (open wire) presents in
the shack where I have the CMC installed (between the feeders and the
'input' of the L-network matching network, a.k.a.: antenna "tuner").
Knowing that, it's more important to know the CM impedance of the CMC than
attenuation in dB which is measured in a 50-ohm system. The
antenna/feedline is anything but 50 ± j 0 ohms. I'm using on all bands a
450-foot long doublet fed with a parallel conductor feedline. Excluding
40-meters, the impedance the CMC is installed ranges from 19 - j 288 at 2.0
MHz to 243 + j 227 at 14.25 MHz (I don't do much on the higher band). To
allow good performance at choking CM energy, I would prefer a CMC to
present at least 10X those impedances at the appropriate frequencies.
Given what I am dealing with, they all, so far, present at least 2.4 kΩ
impedance to the CM energy. I'd rather deal with things in that manner
than measure a dB attenuation as a function of frequency all measured in a
50 ± j 0 system in which my chokes are not installed. Nowhere in the
amateur bands do I 'see' 50-ohms with my antenna/feedline so I deem the
impedance measurement is more applicable than a dB attenuation of CM energy
in a 50-ohm system.
Dave - WØLEV
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 3:06 PM Siegfried Jackstien <
siegfried.jackstien@freenet.de> wrote:
> You measured the through loss... Ok
> But not the common mode attenuation in db
> For that connect only the shield with the hot end of your test jig.. If
> wound with two parallel wires then connect only one of them...between the
> hot ends of your test cables
> Now measure s21
> Greetz sigi dg9bfc
> Am 19.01.2021 23:45 schrieb David Eckhardt <davearea51a@gmail.com>:
> NOTE: The exceptionally high values of CM resistance are likely due to
> resonances below my measurement window which has run from 1 MHz through 50
> MHz. In de-Qing with a shunt 4.7k carbon resistor, the curves become much
> flater and values pretty much between 1k and 2k. I noted the K9YC's data
> increased as he increased frequency. Mine did not. I asked why. De-Qing
> is likely the reason.
> So, in practice, is there enough loss in the system, likely mostly earth
> losses, to effectively de-Q the chokes? Neither of my wires are more than
> 35-feet off soil surface (decaying upper Permian mudstones).
> Was the data presented by K9YC bifilar wound chokes or coaxial cable wound
> on the ferrite toroids? I suspect they are with bifilar wound chokes. I
> also have to wonder if K9YC de-Q'ed his chokes for measurement?
> Also, after winding and testing the 31 materisl with solid #12 solid
> copper wire, I am beginning to believe the losses in the stranded wire
> chokes I've wound and tested are djue to the insulation. I'm going to tear
> down the #10 stranded 43 material choke and rewind it with the solid #12
> wire with wider spaced turns, maybe no more than 8 or 10 turns on 2 stacked
> cores of 3" OD.
> I've also ordered a couple of the 4" 31 material cores from KF78P
> Metalworks which will be wound with the #12 solid copper wire. More
> updates coming.
> https://www.kf7p.com/KF7P/Welcome.html
> BUIILT.......... . . . NEVER SATISFIED............ All the chokes do a
> good job of reducing the CM noise, but measurement shows the devil in the
> details.....................
> Dave - WØLEV
*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*