Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

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Backup flash firmware

Vadim 2020/12/13 09:17

Can I  backup firmware file from SAA2N 2_2 before flashing it new one?

DiSlord 2020/12/13 11:06

you can use st-link programmer and backup all flash from device (for restore also need st-link)

Vadim RA9FLW 2020/12/14 09:59

2  DiSlord

Many thanks fo reply!
I have SAA 2N 4 " display with factory flashed firmware copyright @edy555 et a1 version git-20200617 -1a9a11d bild time Jun 19-2020  and board name is NanoVNA V2_2 , hardware designed by OwOcomm. Made in Chaina by Zeenko.
I have two questions:
1.On GitHub I see version 20200619 binary-st7769.bin.  Is this version the same as in my SAA?
2. Can I flash my device next version 20201013 as "V2.74" from blackmagic?

I have not st-link programmer and can't open device because I have the disput wiht seller as one knob dont work.
May  be anybody has the original version firmware for my SAA?
I cannot understand if the device will work with newer firmware.

Siegfried Jackstien 2020/12/14 19:48

its save to open ... just be careful

for programming new fw no open of device needed ... but to find that bad
solder spot on the button hi hi

or is it mechanically blocked caused by the case?? then you just have to
loosen the nuts of the connectors a bit and reposition the metal strip ...

v2.74 ... works for your unit ... but its already a bit old ;-) ...

greetz sigi dg9bfc

Am 14.12.2020 um 17:59 schrieb Vadim RA9FLW via

Vadim RA9FLW 2020/12/14 22:59

Thanks.... Can't open for look  bad knob.  But about  firmware... What is the newer one?
Отправлено из Mail.Ru для Android вторник, 15 декабря 2020г., 00:48 +05:00 от Siegfried Jackstien :

Kadir Mariño Abreu 2020/12/14 13:37

SAA-2N with the latest firmware available vers. 20201013. The correct version to use with this hardware is this: (4 "" V2.74 "from blackmagic), the most current one is: nanovna-v2-20201122-v2_74.bin NanoVNA-QT / releases ( )
NanoVNA-QT used to facilitate firmware update on the unit.

Beware of your NanoVNA V2 hardware. Different hardware requires different firmware.

Also with this version, once updated, the device must be calibrated again, including the touch screen. Use the navigation keys to move around the menu. Once calibrated, the configuration must be saved otherwise everything will be lost once the device is turned off. With this new firmware version, when powered on, the Nano VNA automatically loads the calibration saved in position C0.

Kurt Poulsen 2020/12/15 12:17


The directlink is

This version is the only free from the 1dB toogle error at S21 levels around -12dB

Kind regards


Fra: <> På vegne af Kadir Mariño Abreu
Sendt: 14. december 2020 22:37
Emne: Re: [nanovnav2] Backup flash firmware

SAA-2N with the latest firmware available vers. 20201013. The correct version to use with this hardware is this: (4 "" V2.74 "from blackmagic), the most current one is: nanovna-v2-20201122-v2_74.bin

<> NanoVNA-QT / releases
NanoVNA-QT used to facilitate firmware update on the unit.

Beware of your NanoVNA V2 hardware. Different hardware requires different firmware.

Also with this version, once updated, the device must be calibrated again, including the touch screen. Use the navigation keys to move around the menu. Once calibrated, the configuration must be saved otherwise everything will be lost once the device is turned off. With this new firmware version, when powered on, the Nano VNA automatically loads the calibration saved in position C0.

Kurt Poulsen 2020/12/15 22:06

Hi Silviu

It is not sure I remember all but In display there is AVG up to 40 times. In display format there is Added Q factor

In stimulus there is an extended Config Sweep with enable/disable ecal and ADF4350 power level. Sweep point up to 201

Calibrate menu is diddrent with enhaced Response added and Save, rest, reset all

Save and recall extended from 0 to 4 to 0 to 6

That is about it

Kind regards


Fra: <> På vegne af Silviu Isari via
Sendt: 15. december 2020 12:28
Emne: Re: [nanovnav2] Backup flash firmware

Hi Kurt,

Any other changes from 20201013 to 20201122 except the 1dB toggle error fix ?

Best regards,


Siegfried Jackstien 2020/12/15 21:22

i do not exactly know but i guess also the "screen grab" with
nanovna_app was added in one of the last fw versions

with a bit of "digging" you also find even newer fw versions (an
experiental from owo ... plus a few from dislord that really speeds the
units up to the max with the cost of a bit added "noise")

its not easy to keep track if you have 3 different analyzer versions (i
have a 4 inch modded v2, a "plus" modded saa2n ... and a v2plus4)

if i replug the smaller lcd to the "open frame" v2 (only to test fw
versions for small screen) then i have 4 versions to test fw ;-)

aehem ... kurt ... do you already own a plus4?? ... would be nice to see
what YOU think about that unit compared with a genuine v2, a v2plus or
the saa2n ...

greetz sigi dg9bfc

Am 15.12.2020 um 21:06 schrieb Kurt Poulsen:

Silviu Isari 2020/12/15 13:57

Hi Kurt,
So much I can see these are  also in 20201013 ...
What it still hurts the most is that I cannot save the traces/channels/config in a slot to use after reboot/poweroff ...
Config -> Save does not have any effect ...each time after boot get all traces active in a preset configuration ...

Best regards,

barnc4br 2020/12/24 14:06

disclaimer - I am a newbie
I believe those items are saved in the slots not under CONFIG/SAVE. That only saves things like the touch cal and screen flip.
I would change those items and save it to CALIBRATE/SAVE/SAVE n == chose one you are not using just incase it doesn't work.

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