Jim Lux 2023/08/15 21:01
On 8/10/23 4:59 AM, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:
> at first look for the clock that is driving the 4350/51 ... if you
> change that for a low phase noise but high stability clock .. then you
> are on the right track
> eplacing that chip can be done later
> i bet the main clock is what sets stability (and often also the phase noise)
> dg9bfc sigi
> Am 10.08.2023 um 10:06 schrieb István:
>> My question is, has anyone made such an improvement on their device?
>> On a parallel forum, - where there was a history of this topic
>> (three-year old theme was), no response was received.
>> I have the feeling that by changing and improving the reference
>> oscillator, we can have a greater influence on the phase noise and, of
>> course, on the frequency stability.
>> Istvaan
> _._,_._,_
I don't know that stability is a big driver - unless you're making very
narrow band measurements and a few Hz makes a difference. 1 ppm is 1 kHz
at 1 GHz, after all.
Phase noise is a bit trickier - The receive LO has a different
synthesizer than the Stimulus LO, so the noise doesn't cancel out.
But then, usually, you worry about phase noise when looking to separate
multiple signals (e.g. reciprocal mixing) - here, there's only one
signal, and what you'd care about is the noise at 5kHz out, which sets
the noise floor. I suspect other components are bigger contributors to
the noise floor.
Taking the first hit on Mouser for a 26 MHz TCXO I see phase noise at
1kHz is -134 and -146 at 10 kHz. Bumping that up to, say 520 MHz,
you'll see an increase of 20log(20) or 26 dB. So at 5 kHz, we're
looking at probably around -116 dBc.
Since the stimulus is ~0 dBm, and the dynamic range of the system is
~80dB, and allowing for ~1kHz bandwidth in the filter (30dB), the noise
power is -86 dBm. So pretty small.