Reinier Gerritsen 2020/12/28 10:54
Make a groundplane antenna with an sma connector and 5 pcs of 35 mm
solid copper wire. Just google for some images. This antenna does not
need a balun. The 4 radials need to be bent down for 50 Ohm impedance
matching, the radiator needs to be trimmed to 2.45 GHz. Theoretical
length is 31 mm @ 2.45 GHz. With a nanoVNA V2 you have the right tool to
do that. I you build 2 identical antennas, you can measure and calculate
the gain of the antenna and with this reference antenna, you can measure
the gain of any 2.4 GHz antenna.
For antennas that need a balun, I sometimes put some ferrite sleeves
over the coax, as close to the antenna feedpoint as possible to suppress
coax influence. Many small antennas are difficult to measure. You have
to include the environment like a pcb, a battery, the casing, etc.
Op 28-12-2020 om 03:50 schreef Leif M:
> Well, this is still an idea. And after some thinking I noticed that if
> a commercial antenna uses coaxial cable, it should not need a balun.
> But if I make simple dipole for reference, I'll probably need a balun.
> But what and how.