Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

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2 quick questions

Tim K4SHF 2021/12/18 18:28

I just received a V2PLUS4
I uploaded the nanovna-v2-20201013-v2plus4.bin without issue
Wanting the extra resolution, I tried to upload the V2Plus4 1.069.bin,
however, I end up with a blank gray screen.
I tried it multiple times with the same result.
I go back to the 20201013 f/w and it works fine.
Anyone have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?
I got the binary file from that pack of several different I
in the wrong place?


Vladimir Lebedev 2021/12/18 22:11

Hello Tim!

Please see here:
Download link for last  FW from developer team

Best regards
Vladimir, dl7pga

DiSlord 2021/12/19 01:37

New V2Plus4 devices have different LCD module.
I don`t have this device, and don`t know scecification. So my fw not support it.
Use last official firmware from ( )

Tim K4SHF 2021/12/19 10:55

I'm on the latest f/w versions I can find. The file I had for the V2Plus4
leaves me with a gray screen, not sure why. The VNA saver works fine but
the screen stays gray...and I do want to use the Nano in remote
I go with what works....


On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 4:38 AM DiSlord <> wrote:

Vladimir Lebedev 2021/12/19 11:14

Hello Tim!

I repeat:

It is the very last driver for your NanoVNA-V2Plus4 from developer of device. If that doesn't work, ask the developer.


Tim K4SHF 2021/12/19 15:35

I have not loaded the latest one but last week (before he posted the latest
one which was 1.069.
I'll try the latest one today sometime.


On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 2:14 PM Vladimir Lebedev <> wrote:

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